Mapping Barriers and Solutions in Emergency Management of Catastrophic Diseases in Primary Care


  • Samran Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam



Catastrophic, Primary Care, Emergency Management


Catastrophic diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and acute respiratory failure are the leading causes of death globally, with primary health care playing a key role in early management. This study aims to map the barriers and solutions in emergency management in primary care through a mixed-methods approach. The main barriers found include limited human resources, infrastructure, and referral systems. Proposed solutions include technology-based training, strengthening the referral system through telemedicine, providing diagnostic tools, and educating the public. The results of the study provide strategic recommendations to improve the quality of primary care and reduce mortality from catastrophic diseases


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2024-04-30 — Updated on 2024-04-30


How to Cite

Samran. (2024). Mapping Barriers and Solutions in Emergency Management of Catastrophic Diseases in Primary Care. JURNAL FARMASIMED (JFM), 6(2), 210–215.