Relationship of Knowledge of Postpartum Mothers With Interest in The Installation Of Intrauterine Devices (IUD) in 2021
knowledge, postpartum mothers, Intrauterine DevicesAbstract
One of the factors that have an impact on increasing maternal mortality (AKI) is the risk of 4 too. The percentage of mothers who die who give birth under the age of 20 years and over 35 years is 33% of all maternal deaths, so if the birth control program can be implemented properly again, likely 33% of maternal deaths can likely be prevented through the use of contraception. This research aims to know relations knowledge of mothers' Post Partum with an interest in Installing Intrauterine Devices s (IUD) in the Unaaha Health Center Working Area. Type of analytical research with cross-sectional. The population in this study was all Post Partum mothers in October 2021 with a sample number of 30 people. Showed enough knowledge as 13 respondents (43.3%), knowledgeable as many as 9 respondents (30%), and knowledgeable less than as many as 8 respondents (26.7%). While those who are interested in installing AKDR as many as 17 respondents (56.7) and those who are not interested as many as 13 respondents (43.3%). Based on the results of the chi-square test, the test shows p-value = 0.009, so that the p-value is 0.009< ? = 0.05. There is a relationship between mothers' Post Partum knowledge and their Interest in Intrauterine Devices s (IUD) in the Unaaha Health Center Working Area in 2021.
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