Use of Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera in Treatment of Baby Diaper Rash
Aloe vera, Coconut oil, Baby Diaper RashAbstract
Most babies' skin is prone to irritation because the skin is not moist enough. Very cold temperatures also make the skin dry and itchy. Skin disorders such as diaper rash are an inflammatory condition of the skin on the baby's thighs and buttocks. Diaper rash occurs due to skin contact with baby feces for a long time. Diaper rash can be treated through non-pharmacological therapy such as using coconut oil and aloe vera which are known to have excellent properties for the skin and without side effects. Coconut oil and aloe vera come from nature and can be used as medicine to speed up the healing process for diaper rash. Coconut oil contains tocopherols, phenols, sterols, squalene and vitamin E which are useful in repairing skin cells and preventing irritated skin. Aloe vera is also able to speed up the skin recovery process because it contains glycoprotein compounds, auxin and lignin. PkM activities are carried out through demonstrations followed by training. PkM participants are mothers who specifically have 15 toddlers. The PkM results show that PkM participants' knowledge has increased regarding the benefits of using coconut oil and aloe vera in treating diaper rash. Apart from that, these PkM participants have also been able to apply the knowledge they have gained in dealing with diaper rash. Apart from that, these PkM participants have also been able to apply the knowledge they have gained in dealing with diaper rash so that when they face such conditions, the PkM participants are ready in terms of knowledge and skills.
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